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Mechanical Engineering homework help online

Mechanical Engineering: Assignment writing help – Value assignment help writing services

An overview of the origin of mechanical engineering

As mechanical engineering utilizes the entire fields of sciences such as logical and physical sciences, its origins can be traced back to ancient and medieval times. The most pre-eminent scholar that worked with mechanical Engineering principles, though in their rudimentary form were Archimedes from ancient Greece whose works had a significant influence on the usage and theories of mechanics in the western civilization, Heron of Alexandria who developed the primary steam-powered engine. Apart from these western scholars, there were scholars in the east as well who were doing revolutionary work in the field of mechanical engineering. Zhang Heng of China is known for developing the seismometer, while the first Chariot with a Differential gear system was developed by Ma Jun. Another prominent mechanical engineer from China was Su song who was responsible for constructing an Astronomical Clock Tower as well as the first chain drive with endless power transmission in the world. During the medieval ages, there were significant contributions in the mechanical engineering field from European and Arabic scholars.

However, since the invention of the steam engine in the latter part of the 18th century, the pace of the application of mechanical engineering increased, with the coming of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. During the industrial process, emphasis on developing and maintaining new machinery increased tremendously, leading to the creation of significant technological advancements which we utilize to this day.

Concerning the education field, mechanical engineering was first recognized as an educational field in 1847, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Birmingham, England. Since then, mechanical engineering has been recognized as an essential field of science and engineering, which has contributed towards the betterment of humanity through countless inventions and discoveries.

Topics under Mechanical Engineering Assignment writing help – Value assignment help writing services

Mechanical Engineering is a vast field having application in every industry. This is why it is necessary to provide students with complete knowledge about the different topics which are involved in it conceptually as well as practically. This inclusion of numerous complex issues makes getting mechanical assignment help all to more necessary for graduate and undergraduate students so that they can perform well in their university courses.

The various topics which students need to master during their mechanical engineering course have been listed below:

Engineering Mathematics

Engineering mathematics is a subject which is of significant significance for a mechanical engineering student because they will be using its concepts and formulae throughout their course and professional lives while performing necessary calculation regarding various machinery aspects. The multiple topics which students would find difficulties with involve Calculus, Partial Differentiation, Triple Integration, Fourier series, and Laplace Transformation, among others, which require a complete understanding of the topics.

Engineering Physics

Any student pursuing a mechanical engineering course must have a complete understanding of the fundamental topics of physics, before trying to understand the complex issues of engineering physics. Engineering physics involves the study of complex topics such as Relativistic Mechanics, Optics, Holography, superconductivity, nonmaterial’s, Electromagnetism, dielectric materials, Wave Mechanics, and polarization and more.

Engineering Chemistry

A mechanical engineering student needs to understand the basic chemical properties of matter to do further calculation and analysis of primary materials used in machinery and construction. Engineering chemistry is a subject of mechanical engineering which students study during their freshman year of mechanical engineering to gather the knowledge of the chemical composition and properties of various materials, minerals, and chemical compounds. The different topics of engineering chemistry include chemical bonding, polymers, organometallics, and structural concepts of organics, reaction kinetics, electrochemistry and more.