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Human resource management help online

Human resource management: Value assignment help Human Resource management assignment writing services

Human resource management is comprehensive program of business. Human resource management is process of concerned with the proper management of people employed in business, focusing on formation and development of duties.

Any business success solely depends upon the quality of people hire. The better the employees, the better result will be. The human resource management is connected with hiring process. But in a real sense human resource management is wide course, which not only cover recruitment process but training of employees, performance, development, compensation, handling of legal issues. Importance the efficiency of human resource management. The core functions of HRM:

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Staffing: the staffing is process of hiring, positioning and performance evaluating of employees in the firm. Staffing basically means placing the right man at right position for the right job. Thus it is important decision for business because it is employees who actually execute functions of business. If they will be efficient in their working, they will be, better results can be produced. : Value assignment help Human Resource management assignment writing services Human resource development: it is broader project. It is not concentrate only hiring but also developing candidate intellectual level and give training for better results. This is relates with the employees needs which will help him in improving his working.

Benefits and compensation: it means rewarding the employees for good work done by them. Every employee is paid with salary or wages. Apart from them they paid with timely rewards and bonuses. Many of the companies these days provide the employees with benefits like gym facilities, meals, joining social clubs. This helps in boosting the morale of the employees and encourages them to do good work at workplace.

Health and safety: HRM focuses on maintaining health of employees. Employee’s good health will ensure his proper presence at work. Thus HRM ensures that employees are physically fit and they have proper facilities. The company provides the employees with gym facilities, medical facilities and gets insurance done for the employees; this motivates the employees to come work.

Employees and labour relations: : Value assignment help Human Resource management assignment writing services

The HRM act as bridge between top authority and employees. They communicate orders and instructions given by management to the employees and at the same time they communicate grievances, problems and complaints of lower level to top level.

Activities of human resource management:

The human resource is very sensitive process. It works in following order:

  • Vacancy identification: the vacancies are ascertained by business first. The job type is identified whether jobs are on a full time pass basis or part time if the employee is to be hired for temporary or permanent basis.
  • Determination of man power requirement: this mean number of employees that are needed for filling job vacancies. The manpower requirement is needed to be ascertained to avoid any over staffing or understaffing. Both of the conditions render the staffing process failed.
  • Recruitment and selection: this means taking interviews of people who applied for job and selecting the suitable person for job. This is most essential part of business, human resource is selected.
  • Training and development: after hiring the candidate, they need to be trained and their skills need to be developed to meet the requirements of job. The development and training help in increasing productivity in candidates. This is a bonus point for the business. The better quality the employee would produce the better reputation the business will gain.
  • Compensation and evaluation: The HRM departments evaluate the work done by employees and ascertain his productivity and capability. Compensation means paying of the salary or wages to employees. It is reward form what a employee done in the business. They are compensated on the quality of work they do.
  • Grievances reporting: HRM department also handles queries and grievances of the employees. They report these complaints to top level and try to find a solution and mitigate the issues. 
  • Importance of Human resource Management: Value assignment help Human Resource management assignment writing services
  • Evolving business : the business are evolving very fast these days for accurate implementation of these evolution there need to be human resource present who can accept this evolution and adept itself accordingly. This is possible only through the proper human resource management as they can hire proper employees or train the existing employees to become flexible to changes.
  • Strategic management: the management no longer needs to affix strategies and rules for the personnel and their goals for achievement of the company. The human resource management takes proper care of this and motivates the business to focus on business goals with personal goals.
  • Achievement of goals: the HRM must not be viewed with micro approach as means of getting job done. HRM is wide process which helps in goals achievement as well as going beyond the boundaries and creating opportunities for business.