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Database  Sample

Database Sample

A database is a collection of data that is stored and accessed virtually. The data is stored in a structured and accurate manner so that the users don’t face any difficulties in searching or modifying whenever it is required. A database is important because all data & information needs to be stored somewhere where it can be used for reference at a later stage. It is shared with different users at the same time by using a database management system. DBMS helps users to maintain a fair and functional database.

data base assignment sample

Types of the database:

Here we share a list of database types:

  • Commercial database
  • Operational database
  • Centralized database
  • End-user database
  • Distributed database
  • Personal database

The commercial database is defined as the collection of data that can be presented electronically such as on TV. This user does not have the right to change or modify it.

Operational database: this database is defined as a database that regularly gets updated such as online transactions employee information, customer information. This type of database is commonly used in the field such as Marketing, employee management, and production.

Centralized database: As the name suggests, this database is accessed stored, and modified in a centralized location. The centralized location is often a central database system that can be accessed from a remote location.

End-user database: It is accessed by the end-user of a software application through a query language. This generation of the database is generally shared among different areas for the end-user application.

Distributed database: the basic structure offered by this database is on multiple devices, either at the same location that the data is stored or spread across different locations and connected through the network. This shared database is accessed and linked together with the help of a single communication link.

Personal database: the database is nothing but the data stored and maintained on personnel or working computers. Only users can charge or modify the data as he is the only person who has access to these files. This data can be shared in a limited network.

Components of Database: Database has various components. These are:

  • Computer-aided software tools: Basic tools are needed to design and develop a database. These are automated tools that are used in the environment.
  • Repository: A repository is an area where data here to be stored. This area should be able to hold any data, such as excel spreadsheets.
  • Database management system: It helps the user to retrieve and access the database
  • Database: it is a collection of stored data. The common difference between repository and the database is the data that contains data presence and the repository contains the definition of data.
  • Application program: these programs are the end-user application that as used to provide the information to the user.
  • User interface: It provides a platform through which a user interface uses a various system components used in a database environment.

Advantages of Database:

  • It provides end to end-user access to the data and at the same time uses it to edit or modify.
  • The DBMS advantage is data is secured and protected better than an external source.
  • Multiple users can access the data in a controlled manner.
  • It also provides an interface throughout which data access becomes more comfortable.
  • It gives an integrity check, which ensures data is accurate and high data integrity.