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Business law assignment help online

Business law is the law that regulates the activities of commercial matters. Business law has basically two types, one that deals with regulating the commercial entities by making laws for partnership, bankruptcy, agency and companies and the other that deals with the regulating the commercial transactions. With the passage of time laws have evolved and changed in order to adapt with technology and modern society.

At the national and international level, business law is evolving in various aspects such as protection of consumers, technology and competition. Many business laws includes prevention from problem than can cause any harm to business or can cause any disputes.

TYPES OF BUSINESS LAW Online writing assignment help

i) EMPLOYEMENT LAW: In the developing modern scenarios, having employment laws for a company is of major importance. Employment laws covers areas related to employees and deals with issues such as discrimination against employees, racism, sexual harassment or any other sorts of ill-treatment towards employees.

ii) IMMIGRATION LAW: In order to deal with foreign labor such as temporary or full time employees or special event workers, it is necessary for a company to ensure the application of immigration law. The need for immigration laws has now gained more importance due to free movement of labor.

iii) CONSUMER GOOD’S SALES LAW: The process of buying and selling of consumer’s goods and their distribution is not as easy as it seems. The company needs to follow rules and laws in order to determine the process of production and the sales of product. From the beginning to its end, various regulations are to be followed by a company to make and sell goods. The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) is a document that provide suggestions for commercial transactions and includes topics like frauds, contracts, sales, transactions, sales etc. This allows the Business Lawyers to guide the companies to follow the mandatory and required laws.

iv) ANTI-TRUST LAWS: Most of the companies plan to expand their business but the process of expansion requires to be executed after following some rules and regulations. Some companies opt illegal ways of expansion and cutting off their competitors and increasing their profit that might lead them to violating the anti- trust. Business lawyers help the companies identify the problem before entering the subject of allegations of anti-trust violations.

v) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: In order to protect their product from being copied, businesses needs to patent their product so that all the hard work they have put in can’t be copied by others. Intellectual property laws are necessary to have for a company in order to protect its creative work, copyright laws are mandatory for the business to commercialize its product for profit. Business lawyers helps the company in registering and enforcing the copyright laws.

vi) TAXEX: Businesses are required to pay taxes for various purposes. The types of taxes include income tax, sales tax, payroll tax, property tax, dividend tax, excise tax etc. Business lawyers advise the companies regarding an aid in tax through legal ways and lessen their tax burden.

vii) BANKRUPTCY: Due to bad situations, sometimes businesses are faced with declining financial consequences that they are not able to handle. Filing bankruptcy is the best way in order to end the overlapping struggle. Different types of bankruptcy are there and the company has to decide on which bankruptcy to file. Business lawyer guide companies regarding the benefits and losses of choosing the selected option and then filing it.


LAW Online writing assignment help Below listed are some examples of Business Law and how a business lawyer can help in dealing with the situation

i) FORMING A BUSINESS: Forming a business refers top its establishment. Business lawyers guide the starting companies on how to form the company and register it. The decision of how the company will operate and where has to be taken by the company members itself but, the business lawyers will regulate the commencing of the company in a protected manner.

ii) CONTRACTS /NEGOTIATIONS/ LITIGATION LAW: Most of the business work is done on the basis of contracts whether it is selling a property or leasing agreement, contracts play a vital role. Most of the business contracts are based on common law. Common laws are unstated laws that have been developed over time by the court. Business lawyers require a deep understanding of common laws to effectively negotiate and draft a contract for the company in best interests of the client and will ensure that the rights and demands of the company are kept in mind.

iii) LAWSUITS: Prior to any case of a lawsuit, business lawyer is necessary to avoid such situations for the company. The business lawyer guides the company on ways to avoid reaching such situations and never face such situations.