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Assignment sample solution of CSC5102 - Mobile Application Development with Kotlin

Question 1: What are the main features of Kotlin that make it suitable for Android development?

Question 2: Explain the concept of coroutines in Kotlin with an example.

Question 3: What is the difference between activities and fragments in Android development?

  1. 1
  2. 2

Programing Assignment Sample


Answer :

Kotlin is a modern, statically-typed programming language designed to interoperate with Java, making it ideal for Android development. Key features include null safety, which prevents null pointer exceptions; concise syntax, reducing boilerplate code; and seamless integration with Java, allowing developers to migrate code incrementally. Additionally, Kotlin's support for coroutines simplifies asynchronous programming, improving app responsiveness. These features, along with robust tooling support, make Kotlin a preferred choice for Android app development.


Answer :

Coroutines in Kotlin are lightweight threads that enable asynchronous programming. They simplify tasks like network requests by allowing non-blocking code execution. For example:

fun main() = runBlocking {
launch { delay(1000L); println("World!") }
Here, launch creates a coroutine that runs in parallel with the main thread. Coroutines help improve performance by avoiding blocking the main thread, making them essential for building responsive mobile apps.


Answer :

Activities are containers representing a single screen in an Android app, managing UI and user interactions. Fragments, on the other hand, are modular, reusable UI components hosted within activities. While activities handle application-level tasks, fragments allow dynamic UI management within an activity.

For example, a news app might use an activity to display categories and fragments for articles. Fragments are preferred for flexible UI designs, enabling better use of device screen space and dynamic layouts.